dolly anD aLEX
晴晴 🐯💞🐲 立德
we are getting married
You, our friends, have shaped our storyline. we are truly fortunate
One could say it's obvious that Alex and Dolly are a perfect fit. They are both half Chinese, the oldest child, Latter-Day Saints, science nerds, outdoorsy, and have — for better or for worse — similar driving habits 🚙. It was only a matter of time before Dolly fell for Alex's guitar performances, French articulations and cooking skills. And how could Alex not fall for Dolly’s unmatched thrifting abilities, artistic talent, and social butterfly-ness?
However, true love was found in the simple acts of listening during countless late-night conversations, gentle persuasion for better habits (Alex finally convincing Dolly to wear her bike helmet 🚴), evening prayers, and many other small but consistent acts of service.
Their story would be incomplete without their families and friends who taught them what it means to love by example. Both the Mantle and Sun families celebrate a new family member with joy — it's double happiness: 喜喜.
可以说,立德和晴晴显然是天作之合。 俩都是混血,都是老大,都参加耶稣基督后期圣徒教会,都是科学家,都喜欢户外活动,而且开车都一样猛。 晴晴爱上立德的吉他演奏、法语能力、和烹饪技巧只是时间问题。立德怎么能不爱上晴晴无与伦比的节俭能力、艺术天赋、和对各人的体贴呢?
如果没有家人和朋友教导他们什么是爱,他们的故事就不完整。 刘和孙家庭都很高兴地庆祝新家人的到来——这是双重的幸福:喜喜。
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